TFWA remains upbeat on prospects for Singapore show despite tough trading environment – 06/02/09

Olivier Charriaud: “It’s tough out there,” says the TFWA Chief Executive, but he remains upbeat about TFWA Asia Pacific in May

INTERNATIONAL. Tax Free World Association (TFWA) CEO Olivier Charriaud has said he is upbeat about the prospects for TFWA Asia Pacific in Singapore in May, despite the background of a global economic crisis and falling traveller numbers.

He also confirmed that the timing and format of this year’s show would remain as it was in 2008 – and that there are no plans to cut back on the schedule. Last week, IAADFS announced it was cutting half a day from the schedule of the Duty Free Show of the Americas in March, to save costs.

Charriaud told The Moodie Report: “We changed the format last year, with the Conference and GateOne2One on the Monday, followed by the exhibition, and that proved popular. We reviewed all aspects of the show at this week’s board meeting but we don’t plan any changes.

“Of course we recognise the pressure that companies are under at this time. It’s tough out there. But it’s also our role to support the trade in its efforts to do business. The industry needs to meet, companies needs to generate new business and new contacts, and to spend money as efficiently as possible. And we believe that when times are tough, events such as TFWA Asia Pacific are vital. More than ever we need to reflect the motto “˜By the trade, for the trade’. We need to make sure that exhibitors’ and visitors’ time is well spent. We are investing in attracting as many key buyers as we can, and in attracting airports too, with the Conference to start the week.”

Charriaud said he expected exhibitor levels to match 2007 rather than last year. “We recognise that in this climate we face losing some exhibitors, but we have also gained some companies that we wanted there, such as Lacoste, Godiva and Bvlgari. At this stage we have between 160 and 170 exhibitors confirmed, which I would describe as satisfactory. I’d say we are looking at matching 2007 levels, but it will be harder to match 2008, which was probably the best year we ever had.”

Last year’s event at the Suntec Centre was “probably the best year ever” according to TFWA CEO Olivier Charriaud

Charriaud added: “In the present climate we’re also pleased we chose to renew our contract to remain in Singapore for another three years. They are very good partners, and everyone is mobilised to ensure TFWA Asia Pacific is as cost-effective and as time-efficient for exhibitors and visitors as possible.”

TFWA Asia Pacific takes place from 12 to 14 May and is preceded by the Conference on 11 May.



TFWA Asia Pacific and Gate One2One set to tackle travel retail turbulence at Singapore show – 23/01/09

Picture Gallery: TFWA Asia Pacific 2008 – 11/06/08

New format spells success for TFWA Asia Pacific – 15/05/08

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