ABU DHABI. A diverse and compelling programme and a heavyweight sponsors’ line-up mark The Trinity Forum 2013, due to be hosted by Abu Dhabi Airports Company on 29-31 January. Further select speakers and sponsors will be revealed soon.
Registration is now open (click here for full Forum and hotel registration). ‘Early Bird’ registration closes soon.
The Trinity Forum, the world’s leading airport commercial revenues conference, is a joint venture between its creator, The Moodie Report, and Airports Council International (ACI). The theme for 2013 is “˜Thought leadership in travel retail’.
OTG Management, L’Oréal Luxe – Travel Retail Worldwide and Dubai Duty Free are Silver Sponsors of the 2013 event, while American Express Foreign Exchange Services is sponsoring Day 1 lunch. The first coffee break is being sponsored by Nestlé International Travel Retail while Qatar Duty Free is sponsoring the lanyards.
The 2013 event marks ten years since the first Trinity Forum was held in London. The industry’s evolution over that period – and the major challenges that it continues to face in driving footfall, penetration and spend; in engaging the consumer; and in sustaining a profitable business model – will be key topics for discussion. All speakers are being urged to deliver challenging, industry-advancing presentations in keeping with the Forum’s theme and heritage.
The Moodie Report Founder & Chairman Martin Moodie will also make an important announcement related to the Trinity concept which has become such an established part of industry parlance over the past ten years.
Among the leading airport executives who will take part are Abu Dhabi Airports Company Chief Commercial Officer Mohammed Al Bulooki; Schiphol Airport Retail Director Peter-Jan Rozenberg; Copenhagen Airports Vice President Sales and Marketing Carsten Nørland; Melbourne Airport General Manager Retail and Car Parks Gilly Gray; and Bangalore International Airport Limited Vice President Commercial Rene Baumann. They will be joined by Muriel Zingraff-Shariff, Retail Concessions Director, London Heathrow Airport; and Dan Cappell, Senior Vice President Commercial, Abu Dhabi Airports Company.
Senior management from leading travel retail and food & beverage concessionaires will also feature prominently. These include DFS Group CEO Philippe Schaus; Lagardère Services Chairman & CEO Dag Rasmussen; King Power International Group (Thailand) Senior Executive Vice President Susan Whelan; James Richardson Duty Free Chairman Garry Stock; Tourvest Travel Retail CEO Eric de Jager*; and Rick Blatstein, CEO of one of the industry’s great innovators, the highly progressive F&B services company OTG Management.
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The brand line-up is equally strong. It includes L’Oréal Luxe – Travel Retail Worldwide Managing Director Barbara Lavernos; Diageo Global Travel & Middle East’s recently appointed Managing Director Roland Abella; Brown-Forman Vice President and Managing Director, Global Travel Retail Jim Perry; Nestlé International Travel Retail Customer Marketing Manager Alan Brennan and Kraft Foods World Travel Retail Managing Director Andreas Fehr.
ACI Director General Angela Gittens will deliver an overview of the airport non-aeronautical revenues sector.
Schiphol Airport Retail/Schiphol Group and Nestlé International Travel Retail will present a “˜Trinity case study’, revealing details of a major joint project that has helped transform penetration and spend at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
Marshall Arts International will provide video footage of some of the industry’s most impressive recent terminal and store openings.
The Chinese Traveller
In a major highlight of the event, the importance of the Chinese traveller will be discussed in a special session led by Dr Zhou Ting, a luxury research specialist and Associate Professor of Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics. Dr Zhou is also a specialist commentator for CCTV and the Dean of Fortune Character Institute, China’s biggest, most influential organisation in terms of research into Chinese wealth and spending behaviour. The Moodie Report works closely with Fortune Character Institute.
First held in 2003, The Trinity Forum was created to promote dialogue between the three major stakeholders in the airport commercial business: landlords, retailers and brand-owners. It is now acknowledged as the industry’s leading platform for debate, not only offering unrivalled networking opportunities but helping to set the travel retail agenda.
15.00 Registration Opens
19.00 Welcome Reception
08.30 Welcome
Dermot Davitt, Deputy Publisher, The Moodie Report
08.35 Welcome
Angela Gittens, Director General, Airports Council International
08.45 Host’s Opening Remarks:
Mohammed Al Bulooki, Chief Commercial Officer, Abu Dhabi Airports Company
09.05 Ten Years of Trinity (including a major special announcement)
Martin Moodie, Founder & Chairman, The Moodie Report
09.35 Keynote Address
Philippe Schaus, Chairman & CEO, DFS Group
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10.20 Coffee Break: Courtesy of Nestlé International Travel Retail
10.50 Film – Innovation in Travel Retail (1)
Marshall Arts International
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11.00 Ten Years On, is the Trinity Concept Valid?
Brian Collie*, Chairman of McArthur Glen Luxury Retail, Former Group Retail Director and key driver of the original “˜Trinity’ concept,
Followed by Q&A with a special “˜Trinity’ panel, including Muriel Zingraff-Shariff, Retail Concessions Director, London Heathrow Airport; Dan Cappell, Senior Vice President Commercial, Abu Dhabi Airports Company and others to be named.
11.50 Taking Travel Retail to a New Level
Roland Abella, Managing Director, Diageo Global Travel & Middle East
12.30 Understanding the Luxury Chinese Traveller
Dr. Zhou Ting, Associate Professor of Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics & Dean of Fortune Character Institute
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13.00 Lunch: Courtesy of American Express Foreign Exchange Services
14.30 Destination Unknown
Are airports and their partners really delivering a Sense of Place?
René Baumann, Vice President – Commercial, Bangalore International Airport
Eric De Jager, CEO Travel Retail, Tourvest
15.15 Trinity Panel Discussion (1)
How can the Trinity raise its collective game to grow the pie for all? What more can each Trinity stakeholder do?
Susan Whelan, Senior Executive Vice President, King Power International Group (Thailand)
Gilly Gray, General Manager Retail and Car Parks, Melbourne Airport
Barbara Lavernos, Managing Director, L’Oréal Luxe – Travel Retail Worldwide
16.15 Break
16.45 How Trinity Really Can Work – Key Case Studies
Peter-Jan Rozenberg, Retail Director, Schiphol Airport
Alan Brennan, Customer Marketing Manager; Nestlé International Travel Retail
Plus other speakers to be named soon
17.30 Forum closes
19.15 Pre-Gala Cocktails
20.15 Gala Dinner
Hosted by Abu Dhabi Airports Company
08.45 Film – Innovation in Travel Retail (2)
Marshall Arts International
08.55 Getting serious about innovation
Rick Blatstein, CEO, OTG Management
09.25 Keynote Address
Dag Rasmussen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lagardère Services
10.00 Benchmarking Airport Commercial Revenues and Airport Commercial Quality
Bill Matz, President, The S-A-P Group
Dr. Rafael Echevarne, Director of Economics, ACI
10.45 Coffee Break
11.10 `The Travel Retail Republic’
A unique perspective on our industry
Jim Perry, Vice President and Managing Director, Global Travel Retail, Brown-Forman
11.40 Best practice in a virtual world
Shashank Nigam, CEO, SimpliFlying
Including best of the best case studies from “˜The Moodies’ Digital and Social Media awards 2012
12.30 A Trinity panel discussion (2)
How do we drive growth in the next decade?
Garry Stock, Chairman, James Richardson Duty Free
Andreas Fehr, Managing Director, Kraft Foods World Travel Retail
Carsten Nørland, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Copenhagen Airports
13.30 Forum Closing remarks
13:40 Farewell Lunch