BELGIUM. Association of European Airlines (AEA) traffic data for the week ended 28 September does not make encouraging reading for the airlines, says the organisation.
Overall, growth compared to the same week in 2002 was only +0.4%. Traffic actually declined year-on-year on intra-European routes at -0.2% and another minus of -0.7% was recorded routes to Asia, which still stubbornly resists a return to growth for Europe’s major carriers.
On the North Atlantic sector, growth slumped once again, to only +1.1%, whereas, through August and early September this market had been producing consistent increases of +8% to +10%.
AEA secretary general Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus commented: “This week`s figures substantiate the analysis that, globally, the markets are only slowly, very slowly recovering in terms of volume. We have yet to carefully review the yield developments.”