“A new concept in the cigar world”: Oliva Cigars adds QR code innovation to key line

Nicaraguan cigar company Oliva Cigars, a subsidiary of J. Cortès, has added a QR (Quick Response) code to every box of its Serie V Melanio line.

J. Cortès said the easy-to-scan code – described as a “new concept in the cigar world” – provides details on the cigars’ origin and production.

A “new concept in the cigar world”: Oliva Cigars adds QR codes to its Serie V Melanio range

The code unlocks information on factory location and the type of tobacco used and even highlights the work of the Bronchero, who handles pre-rolling, and the Rolero, who ensures that a wrapper is rolled around each cigar. It also gives the smoker access to a brand video.

The innovative QR code is the result of a collaboration with Belgian data tech start-up Esoptra. The code is designed to link the cigar’s journey to a customer’s experience and to open up a two-way communication channel between the smoker and the cigar brand.

Serie V Melanio: On offer in global markets this year

J. Cortès Owner Frederik Vandermarliere commented: “A cigar isn’t just for smoking, it’s about pure enjoyment too. With this innovation, we want to give our cigar connoisseurs an added experience.”

He said the QR-coded Serie V Melanio cigars will be available to retailers, depending on location, by the end of the year.

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