Nicaraguan cigar company Oliva Cigars, a subsidiary of J. Cortès, has added a QR (Quick Response) code to every box of its Serie V Melanio line.
J. Cortès said the easy-to-scan code – described as a “new concept in the cigar world” – provides details on the cigars’ origin and production.
The code unlocks information on factory location and the type of tobacco used and even highlights the work of the Bronchero, who handles pre-rolling, and the Rolero, who ensures that a wrapper is rolled around each cigar. It also gives the smoker access to a brand video.
The innovative QR code is the result of a collaboration with Belgian data tech start-up Esoptra. The code is designed to link the cigar’s journey to a customer’s experience and to open up a two-way communication channel between the smoker and the cigar brand.
J. Cortès Owner Frederik Vandermarliere commented: “A cigar isn’t just for smoking, it’s about pure enjoyment too. With this innovation, we want to give our cigar connoisseurs an added experience.”
He said the QR-coded Serie V Melanio cigars will be available to retailers, depending on location, by the end of the year.