Davidoff Cigars has released a limited-edition collection dedicated to Sir Winston Churchill’s love of travel.
The new Traveller cigar features tobaccos from Nicaragua, Mexico and Dominican Republic. Davidoff first launched the Winston Churchill collection in 2014.
A Traveller Robusto 50 x 5 format is limited to 8,000 boxes worldwide. Davidoff said the boxes were inspired by leather travel cases. They contain a Boveda humidification device that turns them into travel humidors.
The Robusto box features a new Winston Churchill silhouette design that highlights destinations he travelled to. This also features on a travel-exclusive Corona cigar five pack.
Davidoff noted that the Corona 43 x 5 set is the brand’s first travel retail-exclusive limited edition. It added that the Corona has similar strength and flavours to the Robusto but slightly more intense aromas.
The cigars are accompanied by limited-edition accessories: humidors in two sizes; an ashtray; a cutter; and a cigar case. Each features the new Winston Churchill silhouette design.
Oettinger Davidoff Head of Brand Marketing Sybille Johner commented: “Sir Winston was an explorer, a Traveller, all the time widening his horizons, exploring new places and trying new things.
“We wanted this limited edition to celebrate this facet of his character and our Master Blenders have done an amazing job at crafting a beautiful, extremely balanced Robusto cigar that will take aficionados on an exciting sensory journey.”