INDIA. Delhi Duty Free (DDFS) has launched or extended several duty free promotions for the festive season and into 2019, including its flagship Duty Free Delights programme. This enables travellers to save up to -15% on second purchases in DDFS stores.
More than 15 single malts from across Scotland have partnered for the third Malt Fest. Customers will receive a discount of at least -20% when buying whisky from the range.
Passengers buying certain chocolate brands will also receive a flat -25% discount when they buy three products participating in the scheme.
DDFS has partnered with Mastercard to to launch a Winter Shopping Festival. Customers who buy goods worth more than INR7,000 (£79) using a Mastercard will receive a DDFS gift card worth INR300 (£3.38).
Shoppers using the WalletPay app will receive up to INR750 (£8.44) in cash-back.
On Friday, DDFS ran its 32nd raffle for INR250,000 in cash (£28,000). The winner was Jayesh Kumar from Uttar Pradesh.
CEO Philip Eckles said: “This time of year is full of joy, magic and cherished family time … We wanted to surprise international travellers with amazing offers, promotions [and competitions] that will create unforgettable happiness that lasts all year round.”