Expedia research reveals changing travel sentiments and increasing traveller budgets

INTERNATIONAL. New research from Expedia Group has revealed changing views on travel, including positive sentiment on vaccine passports, increased budgets and continued demand for safety and financial security.

Expedia’s Traveller Value Index, which examined the views of 8,000 people in eight countries showed that, despite a period of uncertainty, people are making travel a financial priority.

Expedia revealed that city-centric trips are on the rise, with searches for major cities significantly increasing across its marketplace (click to enlarge)

More than a third (34%) of travellers said they had larger travel budgets compared to 2020, and nearly one in five respondents globally (18%) expected travel to be the activity they spend most on in 2021.

The Expedia report is aimed at helping travel stakeholders to adapt to new traveller preferences, enabling the capture of post-pandemic demand

This is on a par with home renovation (18%) and ahead of entertainment (12%), buying or taking care of a car (11%) or healthcare (11%). Additionally, more than third (36%) said they would trade a pay rise for more holiday days.

Travellers also indicated they were thinking differently about the frequency and length of travel. Many (60%) were opting for domestic travel in the short-term, however they were planning to get away more often, with nearly 41% wanting more frequent, shorter, trips.

The outlook for international travel was also improving, with more than a quarter (27%) of travellers considering a trip to another country in the next year while nearly three-quarters (71%) of travellers were comfortable showing a vaccine passport to travel internationally.

The research also showed an increased desire for new and different experiences over nostalgic destinations, with three-quarters (75%) of travellers likely to select a travel destination they had never been to before.

Additionally, more than half (52%) were likely to use a new mode of transportation, and nearly a quarter (22%) were looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience on their next trip.

Some of the key traveller sentiments highlighted by Expedia’s research (click to enlarge)

The Traveller Value Index also revealed that travellers continue to make value-based decisions that reflect their personal views. Travellers wanted to support sustainable practices, with nearly three in five (59%) willing to pay higher fees to make their trip more sustainable.

About one in four travellers most value the ability to get a full refund across all travel experiences (click to enlarge)

Additionally, a majority (65%) were more likely to book with travel providers that have inclusive policies. This included properties that are owned by women and/or people of colour, are welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community, and those that are supportive of people with disabilities.

Air travellers most value the ability to get a full refund, notably in the UK, 31%, and Germany, 34% (click to enlarge)

Financial security and safety ranked as the highest priorities for travellers across all experiences. More than one in four travellers most valued the ability to get a refund, particularly for airline (26%) and vacation rental (26%) experiences, followed by enhanced cleaning and disinfection.

The Traveller Value Index also showed differences in values by age group, indicating that younger groups were less focused on price and refunds.

According to the research, cruise travel is the only travel segment where respondents from numerous countries rank low pricing as the top value (click to enlarge)

“As vaccination rates rise and borders open across the globe, people are ready and eager to travel,” said Ariane Gorin, President, Expedia for Business, Expedia Group. “However, the months of uncertainty are weighing on their travel decisions and shifting the conventional belief that price is the top driver of bookings.”

He added: “These insights show people want to book with trusted travel providers that will deliver on their experiences, keep them safe, and protect their financial investments.”

Access the full report here.

Expedia Group Senior Director North American Market Management and Lodging Silvia Camarota will be speaking in this year’s Knowledge Hub of the second Virtual Travel Retail Expo. The event takes place on 11-15 October, with registration open and available here.

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