Image of the Day: Saying Viva to Viva Air

Our regular feature celebrates important and/or memorable scenes, moments, launches and campaigns from the global aviation and travel retail sphere.

Courtesy of Viva Air Group President & CEO Felix Antelo comes this encouraging image and joyous words, which we publish in both Spanish and English to reinforce their universal message.

“Sin dudas hoy es un día histórico, volvimos volar en Colombia después de cinco meses. Gracias a todos nuestros colaboradores y clientes por haber confiado en Viva!!

“Seguiremos trabajando por la inclusión aérea, con los mejores precios y puntualidad y con operaciones con los más altos estándares de bioseguridad.”

Loosely translated, that means: “Without a doubt today is a historic day, we returned to flying in Colombia after five months. Thank you to all our collaborators and customers for trusting Viva!!

“We will continue to work for passenger inclusion, with the best prices and punctuality and with operations with the highest standards of biosecurity.”



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