J.Cortès and Oliva Cigars brands have united under one name, the Vandermarliere Cigar Family.
J.Cortès will maintain its leading role in machine-made cigar production while Oliva Cigars – the Nicaraguan longfiller cigarmaker acquired by Cortès in 2016 – will now act as parent company for all handmade cigars.
Vandermarliere Cigar Family Group Owner Frederik Vandermarliere said: “It makes sense to make clear our two distinct divisions. Under Vandermarliere Cigar Family, all our brands now come together for the first time.”
The brand amalgamation also underlines the strong family ties within the group.
In 1926, Maurits Vandermarliere started manufacturing cigars in the attic above his cigar shop in Moen, Belgium. He founded Ets Vandermarliere NV, which evolved into J.Cortès. The brand’s network expanded under the director of Vandermarliere’s son Guido, who spearheaded the acquisition of Oliva Cigars. His son Frederik joined the company in 2005.
“It’s an exciting time for the company,” he said. “We are investing in new technology, working closely with local farmers for the benefit of the land. In the past, we have become known as J.Cortès in Europe and Oliva in the USA. But, in reality, we are all part of the Vandermarliere Cigar Family. We are a family which sells relaxation. That will never change.”