Mumbai Duty Free lands Prestigious Brands of Asia Award

INDIA. Mumbai Duty Free has won a Prestigious Brands of Asia Award in the Duty Free category for 2023-2024. The retailer attributed the accolade to its “unwavering commitment to redefining the duty-free experience”.

The Prestigious Brands of Asia Awards are presented by the Global Business Symposium and the Herald Group. They celebrate brands that set new benchmarks through innovation, legacy and sustainability and have developed a profound marketing connection with their customers.

Mumbai Duty Free said its collaborative approach, focus on customer experience and premium products launches were among the contributing factors to its award win

Mumbai Duty Free CEO Avishek Bambi Das said: “We are deeply honoured to receive this esteemed award. Being recognised on an international stage reflects our efforts at crafting customer-centric and future-forward experiences.

“It motivates us to continue our journey of innovation and disruption and keep achieving new heights. Our gratitude reaches out to all who supported us from the outset.” ✈

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