Sydney Airport CEO Kerrie Mather elected as President of ACI Asia-Pacific

As President of ACI Asia-Pacific, I will continue to work closely with the Regional Board and the Regional Office in promoting professional excellence in airport management and operations
Kerrie Mather
CEO Sydney Airport & ACI Asia-Pacific President

AUSTRALIA. Sydney Airport Chief Executive Officer Kerrie Mather has been elected as President of Airports Council International (ACI) Asia-Pacific for a two-year term with immediate effect. Ms Mather was formerly Second Vice President, a post she had held since 2014.

ACI Asia-Pacific announced the results of the Board Elections during the 11th ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Assembly held this week in Gold Coast, Australia.

Ms Mather said: “It is my privilege to be elected as President of ACI Asia-Pacific and my heartfelt thanks to our members’ trust and support. As President of ACI Asia-Pacific, I will continue to work closely with the Regional Board and the Regional Office in promoting professional excellence in airport management and operations. Our outgoing President, Mr. Dennis Chant, has done a great job in leading ACI Asia-Pacific and it is my honour to succeed him. I wish him all the best in his retirement.”

The Assembly also elected the following to serve as Officers and Directors of the ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board with immediate effect, all on two-year terms.

First Vice President: Seow Hiang LEE, Changi Airport Group, Singapore

Second Vice Presidents:

Fred LAM, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong
PS NAIR, Delhi International Airport Limited, India

Secretary Treasurer: Emmanuel MENANTEAU, Kansai Airports, Japan

Directors (re-elected for three-year term)

Kjeld BINGER, Airport International Group, Jordan
Kenichi FUKAYA, Narita International Airport Corporation, Japan
Datuk Badlisham Bin GHAZALI, Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad, Malaysia

New Directors (for three-year term)

Aimen bin Ahmed AL HOSNI, Oman Airports Management Company, Oman
Il-Young CHUNG, Incheon International Airport, Korea

ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Director Mrs. Patti Chau said, “I wish to congratulate all elected members of the Board. The Regional Office would like to thank Mr. Dennis Chant for the guidance and leadership in leading ACI Asia-Pacific. We wish him the very best in his future endeavours.

“Together with the Board, we look forward to working closely with our incoming President, Ms. Kerrie Mather, in developing ACI Asia-Pacific to become the association in the region that truly advances the collective interests of, and acts as ‘the voice of the airports’. I am confident that this new Board composition will bring new insights to the development of the airport industry in the Asia-Pacific Region.”

The ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board is a governing body which determines the overall development strategy of ACI Asia-Pacific region. The Board is composed of 25 aviation business leaders across the Asia-Pacific region.

ACI Asia-Pacific, one of the five regions of the Airports Council International, is based in Hong Kong and represents 101 members operating 574 airports in 48 countries in Asia Pacific and the Middle East. In 2014, ACI Asia-Pacific airports handled 2.48 billion passengers.

ACI Asia-Pacific is also one of the partners, alongside The Moodie Report and ACI World, in organising The Trinity Forum 2016 – the world’s leading airport commercial revenues conference – in Mumbai, India (12-14 September).

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