INTERNATIONAL. Our more eagle-eyed readers may have noticed this week that we have implemented a new comment system at the foot of selected stories, which features a much-enhanced social media sharing functionality.
The new Disqus (pronounced Discuss) system allows readers to comment on and share stories posted on the website using a range of the most popular social media tools.
The Moodie Report comments section incorporates key features including:
Threaded comments: Readers can now respond to individual comments and insert opinion in the most appropriate part of a comment thread.
Login: A simple login process using Disqus, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Google or OpenID allows readers to comment on a story. Once the initial login is completed the system will remember the profile on future visits.
NOTE If you are not registered with any of these social media sites you still can post a comment as a “˜Guest’ or remain anonymous. An e-mail address is required for security purposes, but will remain anonymous.
Sharing: Readers can share comments on Twitter or Facebook by signing in using the respective profile.
Sorting: Readers can sort comments by most popular, best rated, newest and oldest.
Image: Twitter or Disqus profile images will accompany an individual’s comments.
E-mail alerts: Readers can follow discussions on specific posts by setting up e-mail alerts on comment threads. Simply hit the “˜Subscribe by e-mail’ button under the comment box and all comments from that thread will be forwarded to your inbox. You can also respond to comments from your e-mail.
The Moodie Report Digital Media & Innovation Director Matt Willey said: “Disqus is a much more robust comment system than previously used on The It gives us a highly secure response platform, while simultaneously providing our readers with a more accessible method of providing their opinions on the most thought-provoking stories of the week.
“With our web traffic maintaining its rapid growth rate, we are seeing an emerging demand for social interaction with stories, brands and personalities on The Moodie Report. Disqus will allow us to satisfy that demand by facilitating the conversation between all stakeholders of the travel retail experience.”