“Christmas, here again. Let us raise a loving cup; Peace on earth, goodwill to men, and make them do the washing up.”
INTERNATIONAL. Our popular festive season readers’ competition in association with Nestlé makes a welcome return this year with not just one but five fabulous food hampers to be awarded. Today we present readers with a third opportunity and announce the lucky winner of Hamper 2.
Nestlé is again hosting the competition to celebrate its ambitious VERSE plan to make food the number one most-purchased category in travel retail. You must be a member of the travel retail or aviation community to enter (please mention your company name in your email if your email address does not show it).
Last year’s winners will testify to how fantastic the Nestlé food hampers are. Don’t miss out on the chance to win this year.
Why the reference to VERSE? Simple. The brainchild of Nestlé International Travel Retail (NITR) General Manager Stewart Dryburgh, it represents Nestlé’s V.E.R.S.E growth model, an acronym that showcases five pillars: Value, Engagement, Regeneration, Sense of Place and Execution.
Each one has a vital role to play in ensuring that Nestlé’s ‘food in 50% of baskets’ target in travel retail is met by 2030, if not before.
How do you win a fantastic, fabulous, festive Nestlé hamper? Again, simple. Just send your entry using the easy procedure below and you are in with a chance. But today we are going for the most creative answer as opposed to a simple prize draw.
First though you have to answer four easy questions relating to one letter of the VERSE acronym. Feel free to be as creative as you wish and, of course, to break into verse.
Any answer today starting with R will qualify.
Day 3
- What R word best sums up the exhiliration of duty free shopping?
- Name a food starting with R.
- And a drink starting with R.
- Put those 3 words into a verse or limerick.
Send your entry to Martin@MoodieDavittReport.com headed VERSE 3 Competition by noon Hong Kong time 22 December to enter the draw.
And now, to the winner of Hamper 2. Every entry was correct, of course, as the questions were simple (just like our industry, this competition does not tax), so we again drew our lucky entrant out of the official Moodie Davitt Santa Hat, procured at enormous expense at a downtown market in Hong Kong.
The questions were:
- What E word are the French and Argentinian teams and fans feeling before the FIFA World Cup Final on 18 December?
- What is a food starting with E?
- What is a wine, beer or other drink starting with E?
- What is a crucial element beginning with E in ensuring more food in more duty free baskets over coming years?
And the winner is… Andrew Ford, Founder & CEO of Hong Kong travel retail consultancy Paccaya Resources, whose answers to questions 1 to 3 were correct and predictable enough (Excitement, Endives and Eau de vie) but the clincher was his final answer – Erotic food shopping.
Ooh, er Andrew, you may have just hit on travel retail’s new hot category. What products were you thinking of?