AdP-led consortium named preferred bidder for Madagascar airports

MADAGASCAR. Aéroports de Paris (AdP), in consortium with Bouygues Bâtiment International, Colas Madagascar and Meridiam, has entered into exclusive negotiations for the public-private partnership contract to operate Tananarive and Nosy Bé airports in Madagascar.

These airports handled 814,000 and 132,000 passengers respectively in 2014, nearly two-thirds of which were international passengers.

The consortium’s offer includes the design, funding and construction of a new international terminal with an initial capacity of 1.5 million passengers at Ivato Airport, Tananarive. It also includes the renovation of the existing terminal plus an extension of the runway at Fascène Airport, Nosy Bé. Later, it plans to construct a new terminal to increase capacity to around 1 million passengers.

The consortium led by AdP will operate the two airports for the duration of the concession.

The next steps include negotiating the partnership agreement and financial closing of the deal.

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