George Best Belfast City Airport launches apprenticeship scheme

UK. George Best Belfast City Airport is to offer two-year apprenticeships to ten individuals across a range of disciplines, including retail, catering, human resources, customer service and hospitality.

The “˜George Best Belfast City Airport High Fliers Apprenticeship Scheme’ was launched today by Department of Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry and the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Alderman Gavin Robinson.

Belfast City Airport Director of Human Resources and Corporate Responsibility Michelle Hatfield said: “The placements will provide up to two years of work experience for young people between the ages of 16 and 24. These will be supported by training workshops at the airport where advice and support will be given in the areas of CV writing, job application writing and interview skills.

“The airport, which is already one of the biggest employers in Belfast, has been providing work experience initiatives within our corporate responsibility programme for many years now.

“Our “˜High Fliers Apprenticeship Scheme’ is another step to ensure our programme of responsibility will continue to reflect and support current social needs.”

Apprentices on the scheme will receive a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) and the opportunity to continue study or seek employment.

“I commend George Best Belfast City Airport High Fliers scheme which has created opportunities for young people to gain valuable work experience,” said Farry. “In this current economic climate, it is important we continue to invest in the skills training of our young people.

“This week, I announced a review of the apprenticeship and youth training programmes. My aim is to build upon and enhance existing strong provision, ensuring that Northern Ireland has a system of apprenticeship and youth training that is the “˜gold standard.'”

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