In memoriam: Pierre Catoire, husband of industry stalwart Elysabeth Blachais-Catoire – 13/09/07

Mourning: Elysabeth Blachais-Catoire

FRANCE. With great sadness we report the death of Pierre Catoire, a great influence in the French fragrance industry and the husband of former TFWA Secretary-General and current Middle East Exclusive Director Elysabeth Blachais-Catoire.

He passed away last Saturday at the age of 77 after battling Parkinson’s disease for the past ten years.

Mr Catoire worked for Unilever, L’Oréal, Colgate, Hofmann Laroche and finally Fabergé where he was President.

The funeral will take place on Thursday 13 September (14.30) at:

Eglise Saint Martin
Rue du général de Gaulle
45160 – OLIVET

Condolences can be sent to:

Elysabeth Blachais-Catoire
14, domaine des Marchais Timon
45160- Ardon
or e-mail:

Flowers can be sent through Béatrice Fleurs at Interflora in Olivet (Telephone: +33 2 38 63 44 21)

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