January traffic climb at Colombia airports – 17/03/05

COLOMBIA. International passenger traffic through Colombia’s airports jumped +18.75% to 57,997 in January 2005, according to just-released data from the Aeronautica Civil.

In the first month of the year, Bogota El Dorado accounted for 35.9% of the national turnover of passengers.

A total of 695,000 passengers were handled at Colombian airports in January.

North America accounted for 41% of the total international passenger traffic, South America for 27%, Central America for 17%, Europe for 12% and the Caribbean for 3%.

Colombian airline Avianca, American Airlines and Panamanian Copa Airlines transported 67.8% of the passengers.


International traffic flies +12% in Colombia – 30/04/04

Colombia air traffic down -8.8% – 05/03/04

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