L’Oréal Travel Retail unveils innovative new Perfume Coach

INTERNATIONAL. As previously revealed by The Moodie Report, The L’Oréal group has created a new tool called the Perfume Coach, designed to help travellers choose the perfect fragrance, either for themselves or as a gift for someone else.

The Perfume Coach aims to help travelling consumers choose the perfect fragrance, for both gifting and self-purchase

The hi-tech tool is described as fun, easy and very quick to use. It is also multilingual, so can be used by travelling consumers throughout European, US or Asian travel retail outlets.

Moreover, the Perfume Coach will be integrated into a major global travel retail event called the Perfume Lounge. This animation, which will feature all of L’Oréal Luxury Products Travel Retail’s fragrances, will be implemented in selected airports worldwide from March.

The Perfume Coach is a simple, portable IPAQ, which invites travellers to choose different images related to personal preferences in terms of taste, atmosphere, car, clothing style, parties, hotels, colours and textures. Options differ according to whether the user is male or female, and buying for gifting or self-purchase.

At the end of the visual questionnaire, four fragrance concept recommendations appear on the final screen. The consumer can then choose which fragrance to purchase, based on his or her emotional profile.

Earlier this year, Olivier Teboul, head of L’Oréal Travel Retail’s Global Marketing operation, told The Moodie Report: “The Perfume Coach is a way to engage conversation, and make product recommendations, which is especially helpful for gift purchases.”


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