Middle East & Asia Pacific airports post strong January traffic growth

ASIA PACIFIC & MIDDLE EAST. Asia Pacific airports started 2015 as they left off last year, posting “encouraging” average passenger traffic growth of +4.9% in January, Airports Council International (ACI) Asia-Pacific announced today.

Middle Eastern airports posted even stronger growth of +11.4% year-on-year.

However, mixed results were shown among the reporting airports, the association pointed out. Among the ten-busiest airports in Asia Pacific, half showed positive growth while the rest reported decreases from last January.

In Asia, Beijing Capital International Airport continued to rank as the busiest airport, serving close to 7 million passengers in January, though passenger traffic eased by -1.2% (possibly due to the fact that one day of the Chinese New Year holiday period fell in January in 2014 -Ed).

New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport’s passenger numbers grew +17.5% year-on-year and are likely to surpass 40 million by the end of 2015, ACI said.

Bangkok’s second airport, Don Muang, recorded the highest growth rate (+46.7%) among all reporting airports.

In the Middle East, consistently strong passenger volume was driven by double-digit growth at Kuwait International (+22.2%), Abu Dhabi International (+20.7%) and Doha International (+18%).

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