Munich Airport records all-time high for passenger traffic in 2014

GERMANY. Passenger traffic at Munich Airport recorded an all-time high in 2014, hitting 39.7 million (+2.7% year-on-year).

The growth resulted from strong gains in the second half, when volume climbed +4% year-on-year. An increase in international traffic, notably a +7% growth in intercontinental travellers to 6.2 million, was the main factor.

Continental (European) traffic remained the largest segment, up +3% to more than 24 million, while domestic routes remained unchanged at 9.3 million passengers.

The average load factor in Munich also rose to an all-time high of 75.9%, despite the total take-offs and landings decreasing -1.4% from the previous year to 377,000.

FMG (Munich Airport’s operating company) CEO Dr. Michael Kerkloh said: “With these results, Munich Airport continues to ensure the success of Bavaria and will continue to have a major impact on the Bavarian economy and tourism.”

Speaking of the airport’s expectations for this year, Kerkloh said: “In 2015 we will not only vault over the 40 million barrier for total passengers, but will also record more take-offs and landings. That means that our Munich hub will continue growing, even if that growth is limited due to capacity constraints in our runway system.”

New long-haul connections to Houston, Mexico and Shanghai plus additional flights to Abu Dhabi were key factors in the passenger traffic increase in 2014
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