Nuance-Watson HK underlines CSR credentials

HONG KONG. Nuance-Watson HK has announced that one of its employees, Senior Learning and Development Officer Edna Chow, has been appointed by the Social Welfare Department of HKSAR as the Advisory Committee Member on Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities (PWD) for the second consecutive year.

By “˜nurturing’ people as a company, we are also increasing probabilities that they will return the courtesy to the community, which is exactly in line with our understanding of the Corporate Social Responsibility’s loop of benefits
Alessandra Piovesana
Regional Managing Director
Nuance-Watson Asia

In this voluntary role, Ms Chow will advise the Director of Social Welfare on the development of strategies to promote PWD self-reliance.

The travel retailer sees the appointment as validation for its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, which has expanded in scope and importance throughout its 13 years at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA).

Nuance-Watson HK’s CSR programme comprises five core areas: People, Health, Quality, Community and Environment. In the aspects of People and Community, the retailer encourages its staff to learn, grow and enjoy the advantages that come from being a part of the Nuance-Watson HK family.

Over the years, Nuance-Watson HK has taken part in many community initiatives which has earned it a “˜Caring Company’ title for five consecutive years from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

In addition to its contributions at the corporate level, the retailer encourages its employees to actively participate in community initiatives and fundraising projects aimed at helping the less fortunate. For several years, its staff has been actively involved in various programmes organised by The Community Chest of Hong Kong.

Staff members also support the retailer’s parent company AS Watson’s Volunteer Team – one of whom has won the AS Watson Gold Award for five straight years from 2006 to 2010 in recognition of her annual contribution of over 50 volunteer hours.

Since 2007, Ms Chow has received several major volunteer service awards, including Outstanding Volunteer Award 2007 from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; Hong Kong Outstanding Youth Volunteer 2008 from Social Welfare Department, HKSAR; as well as Outstanding Second Career Award 2011 co-presented by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Social Welfare Department and Lion Rock Junior Chamber.

Commenting on the learnings from her double roles, Chow said: “In my daily work, I need to work closely with the Merchandising and Operations teams, as well as many brand vendors. Working in a “˜hub’ position to co-ordinate training programmes with different parties has trained up my interpersonal skills which is an essential quality I have always applied when communicating with the underprivileged groups. And one of the rewarding parts of my volunteer service is the understanding of fair treatment to people regardless of their background or social status.

“This belief is in line with my role within the Learning & Development Department to fulfil our company’s commitment in striving for equal opportunities of learning and advancement. With my exposure in volunteer services, I hope to leverage my position in contributing ideas to our company’s CSR initiatives and influencing my colleagues for their active participation.”

Nuance-Watson Asia Regional Managing Director Alessandra Piovesana said: “I congratulate and feel proud of Edna’s distinguished achievements. Our employees are our most valuable asset and thus, we are committed to providing our people with a pleasant, healthy working environment, fair remuneration, excellent opportunities for development and advancement plus the chance to develop their individual prospect.

“I am delighted that by “˜nurturing’ people as a company, we are also increasing probabilities that they will return the courtesy to the community which is exactly in line with our understanding of the CSR’s loop of benefits. We will continue encouraging and empowering our staff to take a proactive approach to community affairs both in and outside work, as well as actively engaging staff, customers, and even our vendors and business partners to join us in being caring, corporate citizens.

“Looking ahead, we are committed to ensuring responsible business continuity and pursuing to contribute to HKIA’s sustainable development. Our primary objective is to make the airport an eco-friendly, safe and pleasant travel hub for airport users of all ages, nationalities and walks of life. To this end, we hereby pledge to bring more value to our environment, our community, our industry and our airport workplace through our corporate commitment to “˜enriching travel, enriching life’,” concluded Piovesana.


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