Nuance-Watson Singapore in Christmas charity drive

SINGAPORE. Volunteers from Nuance-Watson Singapore recently paid a visit to one of the travel retailer’s four adopted charities, the Cheshire Home, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment.

Since 2003, under the guidance of Managing Director Ken Tse, Nuance-Watson Singapore launched its CSR programme aimed at supporting several non-profit humanitarian organisations in Singapore.

Today, the travel retailer supports four organisations: the Singapore Cheshire Home, St John’s Home for the Elderly, Red Cross Home for the Disabled and The Sunbeam Place for the Children’s Home. The funds collected are primarily used to buy supplies such as groceries, meals, stationery items and daily necessities for those at the homes.

Nuance-Watson Singapore Managing Director Ken Tse leads a team of volunteers on a visit to one of the travel retailer’s four adopted charities, the Cheshire Home, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility commitment

The Nuance-Watson Singapore team brought specially prepared lunches and helped to feed the residents

Home to some 70 seriously disabled adults, Cheshire Home is also a rehabilitation centre for a daily average of 20 non-residential physically disabled clients. The activities conducted at the home aim to provide residents with the chance to live as normal a life as possible.

In a bid to bring Christmas earlier to the Cheshire Home residents, the volunteers brought specially prepared lunches and put up festive decorations. They helped to feed the residents and entertained them with song and dance. “It was an enjoyable afternoon not only for the residents – the care-takers and volunteers all had a great time,” the travel retailer said.

Nuance-Watson Singapore aims to continue its CSR programme in the long term and to conduct more home visits. It hopes that such initiatives will create awareness and encourage others to be more involved in charitable causes and to care more for the less fortunate.


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