Regional French airport Toulon-Hyères International calls tender for duty free/duty paid unit– 02/02/09

Toulon-Hyères Airport: 80sq m retail unit in Departures

FRANCE. Toulon-Hyères International Airport in southern France has called a tender for an 80sq m duty free/duty paid store, located in the airport’s pre-boarding area. The tender is being overseen by the local Chamber of Commerce. The deadline for submissions is 27 February.

The airport handled 630,000 passengers in 2008, 20% of which were from overseas. Around two-thirds of passengers travel for leisure, one-third for business; 40% are aged between 40 and 59 years old, while just over half are frequent flyers.

The airport is at the heart of the Var tourist area of France. It lies 45 minutes from St. Tropez, and an hour each from Marseilles, Nice and Aix-en-Provence.

Contact details:

Nathalie Mackain
CCI du Var
Aéroport International Toulon-Hyères
Boulevard de la Marine – 83418 Hyères cedex – France
Tél.: +33 (0) 4 94 00 83 24 – Fax: +33(0) 4 94 00 84 13


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