The Moodie Davitt Report introduces ChatGPT reporting in latest disruption to travel retail media

INTERNATIONAL. In a continuation of The Moodie Davitt Report’s proud track record of digital innovation, the company has created a comprehensive ChatGPT reporting team.

In the early stages of an ambitious pilot scheme, ChatGPT will supplement the company’s highly regarded team of human reporters. However, in line with natural attrition as staff leave or reach retiring age, the Microsoft-backed AI-driven platform will gradually take over all roles of the existing journalistic team

MartAIn Moodie will lead the all-AI reporting team in another first for The Moodie Davitt Report

“We have held continuous and transparent dialogue with our loyal team over recent months to safeguard their roles as long as we can but the transformative potential, speed and cost-efficiency of ChatGPT make the move to an all-AI model inevitable and irresistible,” commented The Moodie Davitt Report Founder & Chairman Martin Moodie.

Underlining his belief in the power of AI, Moodie, who exceeded the company’s official retirement age several years back, is replacing himself with travel retail’s first ChatGPT Publisher.

The AI-programmed Publisher, known as MartAIn Moodie, will work alongside his human equivalent over coming months to ensure a smooth transition.

“MartAIn has been operating on a trial basis alongside me since the start of the year and the results are simply astounding,” Moodie said. “His work is fast, accurate and of course economically advantageous as I don’t have to pay him any dividends.”

The rigorous pilot programme has seen MartAIn covering a variety of news writing, features and interviewing tasks, all with extraordinary results, Moodie said.

MartAIn Moodie (left) will take over the leadership role from Martin Moodie on a phased basis during coming months

“It really is amazing,” he observed. “We asked MartAIn to write a 1,000 word report on the Incheon Airport duty free tender in the style of The Moodie Davitt Report. While we are used to seeing such efforts from certain competitors, this was even better than the real thing. What’s more it was produced in just 13 seconds whereas nowadays it takes me all night.

“ChatGPT will become more humanlike in its updated iterations and we believe it will allow us to deliver a smarter, faster and better service to the travel retail community in the future,” Moodie continued. “We will be extending the programme across all platforms, including of course WeChatGPT.

“MartAIn’s appointment will allow me to finally take my long-delayed retirement and in keeping with my commitment to travel retail become free of duty free at last,” he concluded. ✈

ChatGPT is transforming multiple business sectors, now including travel retail journalism

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