The Trinity Forum – vibrant, provocative programme revealed for industry’s top conference – 22/08/05

Randy Emch
Enrique Urioste
Randy Emch
Enrique Urioste

John Sutcliffe

Mark Riches
John Sutcliffe
Mark Riches
Roberto Graziani
Susan Whelan
Roberto Graziani
Susan Whelan
Sunil Tuli
Hans Bakker
Sunil Tuli
Hans Bakker
Patrick Moran
Erik Juul-Mortensen
Patrick Moran
Erik Juul-Mortensen
Peter Eriksson
David King
Peter Eriksson
David King
Some of the big names who will present at September’s Trinity Forum; For programme, hotel and registration details go to For sponsorship and content details contact Martin Moodie at

UK. One of the most vibrant and provocative industry conference programmes in many years is promised for next month’s Trinity Forum, co-organised by The Moodie Report and TFWA.

The event is the long-awaited follow-up to the inaugural 2003 Trinity Forum, widely acclaimed as the best conference the travel retail industry has witnessed. The event is only held every two years to maintain its allure and quality. Uniquely among industry conferences, a percentage of profits is being donated to the Duty Free World Council to help the fledgling organisation in its efforts to advance and protect the industry’s interests.

Macquarie Airports CEO Kerrie Mather will deliver a major presentation on the role of airport retail. Her address will be called “Unlocking the value of airport retail – the airport investor’s perspective”. Tax Free World President Erik Juul-Mortensen will deliver an important presentation on why TFWA – representing the industry’s brands – has decided to become involved in the ‘Trinity’ concept (retailers, landlords, brands).

Another highlight will be exclusive new film coverage showing some of the best travel retail locations in the world. The two-part film is currently being filmed by Peter Marshall, Managing Director of Marshall Arts International. It includes new footage from leading travel retail locations in the Middle East, North and South America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

The Trinity Forum also includes its own “˜request for proposals’ (RFP) – for Atea City International, a hypothetical airport in a hypothetical country in Asia Pacific. Two teams, encouraged to come up with new and visionary thinking, will present their findings. One is an all-woman team led by Ylva Persson, Global Marketing Director for Bacardi Global Travel Retail. The other is a Middle East team, headed by Abu Dhabi Duty Free Deputy Managing Director Dan Cappell.

In further additions to the programme, a “˜Trinity’ panel in which leading suppliers, airports and retailers debate key issues is being joined by David King, Managing Director of Alpha Airport Shopping and Executive Director of Alpha Airports Group, and Patrick Moran, Vice President, Director of Global Duty Free, Brown-Forman Beverages, who played a key role in the formulation of the “˜White Paper’ developed out of the first Trinity Forum.

A number of leading airports have recently confirmed their attendance including Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Auckland International, BAA, Hong Kong International, Frankfurt, Lima, Vancouver, Aer Rianta, Aeropuertos Argentinas 2000, Munich and Unique Airport Zurich. Most of the industry’s leading concessionaires are attending.

Here is the full programme with final big name speakers to be announced in coming days.


Founder Sponsors: P&G Prestige Products; Nestle International Travel Retail


19.30 OPENING COCKTAIL – Sponsored by King Power Duty Free (Hong Kong)


Session 1 – Setting out the Challenges

09.00 Welcome Erik Juul-Mortensen, President TFWA

09.15: “˜The Trinity – Past, Present, Future’ – Martin Moodie, Editor and Publisher, The Moodie Report

09.20: Film: “˜Thought Leadership In-store (1): A two-part specially commissioned video by Peter Marshall of Marshall Arts International which takes delegates on a guided tour of the best travel retail stores in the world

09.45: “˜Branding and communicating the global travel retail industry’ – One of the world’s leading advertising agencies presents a fascinating insight into how they would brand and “˜sell’ the industry globally. The case study will include their external perspective on what they believe to be the industry’s major negatives and positives. Presentation by Mark Hogan, Managing Director Owens DDB, an associate company of one of the world’s leading advertising and communications agencies and Brendan McElroy, Group Account Director.

Session 2 – Commercial Opportunities

10.25: Mark Riches, Managing Director World Duty Free and BAA Global Airport Retail

10.50 Stage and audience interview with Mark Riches

11.10: Coffee sponsored by Nestlé International Travel Retail

11.35: “˜Give Wings to People and New Ideas’ – in association with Red Bull

Atea City International

In March of this year the Trinity Forum conceived a hypothetical airport – Atea City International – with a hypothetical set of passenger and spending influences. This was set for us by industry expert and Project Taskmaster Alan Bork, Director Commercial Development, Brussels International Airport Company

“˜Atea City International: Modelling the commercial opportunity at a hypothetical airport’

In March of this year the Trinity Forum conceived a hypothetical airport – Atea City International – with a hypothetical set of passenger and spending influences. This was set for us by industry expert and Project Taskmaster Alan Bork, Director Commercial Development, Brussels International Airport Company

We then asked a multi-sector team to address the following: “The airport owner has called an RFP asking for the appointed party to create a successful retail model for the airport.

“How would you structure this airport’s retail services? What would be your chosen model and how precisely would it be tailored? We invite you to think innovatively and without constraints. But your model should seek to optimize the interests of the consumer, enhance the image of the airport and achieve a sustainable long term revenue stream for all the participating parties.”

The ‘Women in travel retail’ team will report back on their work at today’s conference.

11.40: Introduction of session by Project Taskmaster Alan Bork

11.45: Women in travel retail team – led by Ylva Persson, Global Marketing Director, Bacardi Global Travel Retail

Cathryn Davis, Director, Deussen Global Communications
Sally Emms, Group Account Director Worldwide, Kinetic
Malin Eriksson, Publishing Division Director, Generation
Carol Fish, Commercial Director, JFK International Air Terminal LLC (New York)
Jaana Heino, Category Manager Wines, Spirits & Beers, Silja Oy AB
Charlotte Horn, Global Marketing Manager Travel Retail, Bacardi Global Brands
Marie Wacrenier, Designer, Pico Exhibition (UK) Ltd

12.35: Audience discussion on the Atea City International project

13.15: Lunch sponsored by Luxottica

Session 3 – Assessing the Merits of the Trinity

14.30 The case for the concessionaire – Sunil Tuli, Group Director of Merchandising and Operations, King Power Group

14.50 The case for the owned retail model – Randy Emch, Director, Global Airport Services (BAA/Crossbar Associates)

15.20 The Trinity and the responsibilities of its members – John Sutcliffe, Aer Rianta International-Middle East Managing Director

15.40 Why suppliers are a crucial component of the Trinity – Speakers to be named

16.00 Followed by audience discussion, and feedback from a panel representing the airport, retailer and supplier sectors.

16.30 Coffee: Sponsored by Nestlé International Travel Retail

Session 4: The investor’s perspective

Sydney Airport

A major highlight of the Trinity Forum will see Macquarie Airports CEO Kerrie Mather deliver a presentation on the role of airport retail from an investor’s perspective
Photo: ©Macquarie Airports

16.50: Unlocking the value of airport retail – the airport investor’s perspective
Kerrie Mather, CEO, Macquarie Airports

Session 5 – The importance of consumer knowledge

17.15: Understanding a multi-national airport consumer profile – Susan Whelan, Deputy Managing Director, King Power International Group

17.40: NOP World – Keeping pace with changing consumer values
Steve Thomson, Managing Director -Consumer Products & Retail, GfK NOP

GfK NOP is one of the world’s top global market research organizations. Steve Thomson will examine today’s most important consumer trends, drawing on his experience of major high street retailers such as Tesco and Ikea and apply them to the travel retail channel.

18.05: Close

18: 10: Informal networking

19.00: Pre-dinner cocktail sponsored by Bacardi

20:00: A Gala “˜Trinity’ Dinner – Sponsored by Bacardi, BAA and World Duty Free

23.30: Late night bar – Sponsored by Bacardi


09.00 Recap on Day One by moderators

Session 6: Innovation, information, investment and transparency

09.05: Film: “˜Thought Leadership In-store (Part Two): Video by Peter Marshall of Marshall Arts International

09.25: Revolution in Retail: Barry Gibson, Chairman Harding Bros

09. 50: The Graziani Interview – Presentation and Q&A with Roberto Graziani, President and CEO of The Nuance Group

10.25: The future for onboard revenues: Pekka J. Helin, Senior Vice-President, Passenger Services, Silja Oy

10.45: Coffee: Sponsored by Nestlé International Travel Retail

11.10: How transparency can boost footfall, penetration and average sales – Enrique Urioste, CEO, InterBaires

Session 7 – The Landlord’s Perspective – Maximising revenues and the consumer experience

11.50: The role of retailing in a modern international airport: Rainer Beeck, Senior Vice President, Corporate Real Estate Management, Munich Airport

12. 10: The relationship between airports and brands: Hans Bakker, Commercial Director, Airport Authority Hong Kong

12.30: Alignment of airport and retailer interests: Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte, President and CEO Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) and President of Airports Council International – Latin America and the Caribbean

Followed by panel and audience discussion

Session 8 – Asia’s critical role

13.10: The impact of lifestyle and demographic changes on the Asian consumer – Dr Yuwa Hedrick-Wong, Economic Advisor (Asia/Pacific), MasterCard International

Session 9 – Where next for the industry – and the Trinity?

13.30: An Armchair Trinity – Landlords, Retailers and Suppliers Panel Discussion featuring Patrick Moran, Vice President, Director of Global Duty Free, Brown-Forman Beverages; Stewart Dryburgh, Nestlé International Travel Retail General Manager; Frank O’Connell, Director, Aer Rianta Retail; David King, Managing Director of Alpha Airport Shopping and Executive Director of Alpha Airports Group and two more speakers to be named.

14.00 Lunch – Sponsored by Philip Morris International

For details on the programme and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Martin Moodie at For full details on the event, including online registration, please visit


Macquarie Airports CEO to deliver an airport investor’s perspective on retail at the Trinity Forum – 18/08/05

Top travel retail locations to come to life at Trinity Forum with an exclusive Marshall Arts show – 03/08/05

Powerful all-woman team named for Atea City International Airport “˜Request for Proposals’ at Trinity Forum – 28/07/05

Trinity Forum: Atea City International Airport issues “˜request for proposals’ – 14/07/05

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