Travel bookings continue to surge in Japan

JAPAN. Keeping pace with the +20.4% rise in the number of Japanese travelling in January, revenues from overseas travel climbed +25.8% among the country’s top travel agencies, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT).

Overseas travel sales at Japan’s 50 major travel agencies reached Â¥145.34 billion (US$1.23 billion), thanks to strong demand for travel to most destinations. However, sales fell for Guam, which was devastated by the Super Typhoon in early December, forcing cancellations. Sales of package tours by well-known names such as JAL Tours, New Orient Express, Travel Nippon, Hitachi Travel Bureau and ANA World grew +29.4% with numbers of package tour travellers up +16% in January.

This rise in international travel boosted overall revenues in the travel industry which increased +6.2% to Â¥348.50 billion (US$2.95 billion). Domestic travel showed a -4.9% dip to ¥201.26 billion (US$1.71 billion).

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