Travel Retail TV on The Moodie Report – BAA’s Colin Hargrave talks retail viagra – 30/06/05

UK. BAA UK Airport Retail Managing Director Colin Hargrave is the subject of the latest edition of Travel Retail TV on The Moodie Report, produced by Peter Marshall of Marshall Arts. In this interview he talks candidly about the need to engender more retail excitement – or a little ‘retail viagra’ – in order to build penetration rates and spend and satisfy customers. It’s a fascinating insight into BAA’s UK airport retailing mentality.

This interview in an excerpt from Peter Marshall’s latest dvd edition and was filmed just after Hargrave spoke at the recent Raven Fox Global Travel Retail Summit. Our film begins with Marshall asking Hargrave about some of his comments made in that speech.

For earlier editions of Travel Retail TV on The Moodie Report, click here .

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