Video: How Brand Embassy and Heinemann ensured the kids’ presents arrived in time for Christmas

AUSTRIA. Where else can Santa get stuck other than in a chimney? Well, given that we’re talking travel retail, the answer is in customs, leaving some children without their presents this Christmas.


Who then, except perhaps James Bond, would you trust to deliver the presents at such short notice? And what well-known travel retail media digital platform would you choose to bring up-to-the-minute reports on progress?

The answer to the first question is leading Austrian staff promotions agency Brand Embassy*, who took over the task and showed James Bond how to beat him at his own game. And the media title? You’ll have to watch the video (below) to find out.

*Footnote: Brand Embassy is a B2B promotions agency, founded and owned by Fjolla Holzleithner, that staffs and delivers Heinemann Duty Free promotions at Vienna Airport.

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