WATCHES: Axcent of Scandinavia breaks the ice at Cannes – CANNES LAUNCH

SWEDEN. For the first time, Axcent of Scandinavia will be present at the TFWA World Exhibition in Cannes and it will be introducing, among others, Frost, its new Nordic inspired watch design (pictured, top left).

Based on the motto; “When art becomes a timepiece without costing a fortune,” Axcent of Scandinavia has already expanded its range of original and unconventional Nordic design watches into 40 countries. The company was recently awarded “Best Marketing Campaign” by American Time magazine.

No Picnic Design, the leading design agency in Scandinavia, known for its designs for cell phone giant Ericsson, is behind the Cannes product line-up with its work on Axcent’s Frost collection.

“When the Nordic winter turns everything to frost, the time is there but is not so obvious anymore. Frost is the opportunity to experience this Nordic feeling every hour and every minute of the year,” says No Picnic.

To bring contrast to the new Frost range, Axcent’s inhouse designer Daniel Jakobsson has created another retro collection, including, Freeway, Turbo, Rocker (pictured), Sphere, RPM and Speedster.

The range is sporty and masculine in style and Jakobsson has given the watch designs an industrial edge with heavy stainless steel and raw leather.

Finally, other new models include the elegant and trendy Mantorp, Torsby and MK from the leading Swedish design agency Summer Design, a company which has previously won numerous design honours including the Excellent Swedish Design prize.

Axcent will be located at stand N9 Village Méditerranée at the TFWA World Exhibition in Cannes from 2 -27 October.

For travel retail enquiries, contact Axcent marketing manager Zara Dahlbäck at

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