SERBIA. New and expanded retail facilities will play a central role in a €27 million (US$30.5 million) reconstruction of Belgrade airport, which is expected to be completed by the end of May 2004.
Transport and Communications Minister Marija Vukosavljevic said the Serbian capital’s international terminal will be closed from 16 October and international traffic relocated to the domestic area during reconstruction.
Airport director general Branislav Vitasovic said that the terminal building renovation will mark the first phase of a project called Kapija Srbije (Serbia’s Gate) to modernise the airport. It will include seven phases and will cost between €500 million (US$565.3 million) and €700 million (US$791.4 million), he said.
The project includes the construction of an office building, warehouses, duty free zone and a hotel and a new connection between the airport and local railways.