The Nuance Group names new European management team

EUROPE. Following The Nuance Group’s decision to re-organise its European operations into a single European head office based in Zurich, Switzerland, the retailer has announced its new European core management team.

The team is as follows:

John Brocklebank: Director Country UK/ Eire/The Netherlands

Stephan Salvisberg: Director Country Switzerland

Christian Stegemann: Director Finance Europe

Mark Lang: Director Buying, Merchandising & Logistics, Europe

Tine Mansfeldt: Director Business Development Europe

Marc Walther: Director Human Resources Europe

Brocklebank will also retain certain strategic buying responsibilities.

The announcement was made by Carlo Bernasconi, the company’s new ceo for Region Europe. He was formerly managing director Europe South.

Background: Under its new organisational structure, The Nuance Group will consist of a corporate head office based in Zurich as well as three regional organisations: Europe (head office: Zurich, Switzerland); The Americas (Toronto, Canada); and Asia Pacific (Sydney, Australia). The existing European country organisations will remain in place and will benefit from this enhanced regional structure. They will be completed by newly-created organisations for Switzerland and UK, each to be led by the country directors, Brocklebank and Salvisberg (fomerly general manager retail Zurich for the group).

Click here for the original story on the reorganisation, which was first revealed by The Moodie Report on 10 November.

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