TFWA maintains Heart2Art fund-raising drive – 10/11/09

TFWA’s Heart2Art drive continues through a series of initiatives in the aftermath of this year’s TFWA World Exhibition

FRANCE/INTERNATIONAL. Tax Free World Association (TFWA) is maintaining its Heart2Art fundraising drive on behalf of The Smile Train and The Lotus Flower Trust in the aftermath of TFWA World Exhibition.

The association is encouraging companies and individuals to purchase copies of the four limited-edition paintings that went on sale during the show – the 25th anniversary of which fell this year – to help raise €50,000 for the two charities. TFWA has already pledged €50,000 through its charitable arm TFWA Care.

In an Open Letter to the trade, TFWA President Erik Juul-Mortensen said: “To mark the jubilee celebration [of TFWA World Exhibition] in an altruistic manner, we decided not to give away a commemorative gift to delegates, but rather to pledge €50,000 through TFWA Care to two worthy causes, The Smile Train and The Lotus Flower Trust. And at the same time [we asked] delegates to contribute to the initiative by purchasing a limited-edition “Heart 2 Art” painting created by children from the two charities for a mere €25 each, so they could walk away from Cannes with a gift which will benefit children in need of an operation or an education.

“Despite the relatively low financial commitment we were soliciting (€25), there was a surprisingly disappointing uptake from the industry.

“We managed to raise a total of €6,400 through the sale of paintings. That is, unfortunately, considerably less than what we were hoping for and far from the goal set. Fortunately a few generous individuals and companies made significant donations for which we are deeply grateful.

“It would be easy for us to write this off as a dramatic overestimation of the industry’s generosity. But I don’t believe that to be the case. I know that the global duty free and travel retail industry is, and always has been, an extremely generous industry, which is why I am confident that you will be sensitive to my request today. I also know that both lack of time, poor weather and the less-than-convenient location for the sale of the paintings were all contributing factors to the poor uptake.”

The originals of the four paintings, created by children who have been helped by the two charities, are on offer through a TFWA auction; painting C (bottom row, right) by Megan Tabor has already attracted a bid of US$10,000

He added that the paintings remain on sale individually for €25 each, or €100 for all four, and can be ordered by calling TFWA on +33 1 4074 0986 or sending an email to

Alternatively, said Juul-Mortensen, companies could consider purchasing paintings as corporate gifts. He said: “As Christmas approaches and all companies prepare their end of year greetings, we would be appreciative if you would consider purchasing a series of these paintings to offer a corporate gift with meaning this year-end to your clients, partners or staff. We have decided to propose the paintings as corporate gifts for €2,000 for 100 paintings. These can be sent to you either individually or as 25 sets of all four paintings. They will be delivered in the special artists’ folder with a covering letter outlining the activities of each of the two charities for which the funds are being raised.

“By ordering these paintings as your end-of-year corporate gifts you will be making a huge difference to children you may never meet, but who will be eternally grateful to you.”

In addition TFWA is auctioning the framed originals of all four paintings. Bids will be accepted (at the TFWA e-mail address above) up until 5.30pm Central European Time on Monday 7 December. Please note that painting C has already attracted a bid of US$10,000.

Juul-Mortensen concluded: “I know I can count on your solidarity and support so we can make a meaningful contribution to these very worthy causes. Thank you for your generosity.”


MEDFA donates US$10,000 to TFWA’s Heart2Art initiative; lays groundwork for MEDFA Conference in Dubai – 21/10/09

TFWA aims to create lasting legacy with “˜Heart 2 Art’ charity initiative at TFWA World Exhibition – 29/09/09

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