FRANCE. Lemantrade is once again organising the Airline Executive Meeting in Cannes, which this year takes on the theme “Time for a Turnaround” concentrating on the development of inflight sales.
The meeting will be introduced by Lemantrade’s Fernand Lang and moderated by Travel Retail Business managing editor Doug Newhouse. The travel retail industry’s leading analyst, Yngve Bia, owner of Generation Group and co-publisher of The Moodie Report will make a presentation giving his view of the evolution of the business.
Christine Bowie and Samantha Mackie of My Travel (UK) Airways will also share their experience with the audience and explain how the My Travel inflight operation has grown sales.
Who should attend? The meeting, unlike the Geneva Airline Conference, is limited to airline executives and concessionaires only.
Venue: It will be held at in Cannes, on Friday 24 October between 3.30pm and 4.45pm at the Gray d’Albion Hotel, opposite the Palais des Festivals complex.
On the day a special tribute will also be paid to Annette Gutsmiedl who is leaving the inflight division of United Airlines after 18 years of service. A “Diamond Anniversary” Crystal Decanter by Cognac Hardy will be presented by export director Benedicte Hardy.
Note: An exchange of inflight duty free price lists has been requested by several airline colleagues and attendees are requested to bring some examples or to send them by courier to the hotel.
RSVP to Fernand Lang at email:
PO Box 1424
CH 1211 Geneva 26, Switzerland
Tel +41 22 347 18 10
Fax +41 22 347 18 12
See also