E-cigarette brand Stride gains listing with Lotte Duty Free Guam

Australian electronic cigarette brand Stride has entered travel retail with a listing at Lotte Duty Free Guam, effective 16 February.

The brand considers the listing a “major breakthrough” for the electronic cigarettes industry as it builds on its success in the Australian domestic market.

Stride, distributed exclusively by Primatex in travel retail, prides itself on its Australian heritage and emphasises its certification from the Australia Queensland Government. Its range of flavours includes non-nicotine, fruits, a vitamin series, as well as mentholated and non-mentholated nicotine.

Stride offers a range of flavours including non-nicotine, fruits and a vitamin series

“Looking out for novelty items at duty free has been in the agenda of most travellers’ minds nowadays and hence, listing Stride in Lotte Duty Free Guam where most of the passengers are holiday seekers, seem to fit the bill just right,” the brand explained, adding that the majority of travellers at Guam International Airport were Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.

Lotte Duty Free Guam is offering Stride as one of its exclusive brands, and described sales during the first ten days of its listing as “truly encouraging”.

Lotte Duty Free Guam is highlighting Stride as one of its exclusive brands
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